About me

I help caregivers find energy and peace.

Adrienne Fenner, M.DIV.
The story of

Adrienne Fenner

I have always had a passion for helping people. I am a caregiver to my core. However, I also suffered from caregiver fatigue while serving as a chaplain, a wife, and a mother. Now my life goal is to help ensure that everyone learns how to love themselves holistically. I find joy in teaching people how to find their voice by forgiving themselves and healing from their past. I want to help people tap into their gifts and passions.

After I was “Blessed with an autoimmune disease,”  and discovered the mind-body connection with food, emotions and physical pain, my world changed.  Today, I aid in coaching people who are struggling physically and emotionally and teaches them how to put themselves first.  I understand what it is like to struggle with chronic pain and have the desire to help my community.  I am deeply passionate about helping people find balance holistically, regardless if it is finding relief from physical or/and emotional pain.  

After losing my job due to struggles with my autoimmune disease, I became even more compassionate and my desire to help others love themselves increased.  I have learned the beauty in stillness and releasing things that do not serve me. My diagnosis and being diagnosed with caregiver fatigue taught me that could not take care of everyone, but I could learn to effectively take care of myself.  My life’s mission now is to teach those around me how to do the same.  

Today I teach my clients how to choose life-giving foods, how to breathe deeply, how to listen to their own intuition and how to enjoy the small things in life to find peace. 

I am so excited about your journey of self-care and healing. I look forward to speaking with you today!

A little bit more..

Adrienne is a graduate of Clark Atlanta University, The Interdenominational Theological Care. She completed her Hypnotherapy certification through the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association and Reiki Master and Teacher Program certifications through both Usui Shiki Ryoho  (Usui System of Natural Healing) and Usui Ryoho Reiki.  She continues to learn and grow to be better equipped for herself and her clients because she wants you to First Love Yourself, F.LY.  

Adrienne is a certified life and wellness coach. She began her journey working as a chaplain and became ill while she was overwhelmed and overworked. She had to learn how to prioritize her own health and wellness holistically.

She now teaches people natural alternatives for healing and effective ways of communicating with people both personally and professionally.

In addition to being a life coach, Adrienne specializes in mediation and is a certified hypnotherapist and Reiki master. All of these specialties have helped Adrienne in her life journey, she has helped countless of her clients, release physical and emotional wounds.  Additionally, Adrienne is a certified chaplain and she has learned how to acutely listen and gently respond to the needs of those who have not felt heard from emotional struggles. She has exclusively been on the side of the most oppressed people in society. She is inclusive and welcoming of all faiths, cultures, and sexual orientations.


When she was fifteen years old she found became sick and missed a lot of her sophomore year of high school. She described the year as “Having a stomach ache that wouldn’t go away.” She prayed and read her Bible a lot in spite of the frustration and it continued to bring her closer to God. All she wanted was to get better and quickly.

Eventually, she felt in my heart that this long journey was about being patient because nothing happened on her time despite all of her willingness and wanting. She saw the world and how she related to my peers a little bit differently. She noticed that she was no longer responsible for their issues, but only her own.

By the end of the year, asked her church pastor if she could share her story in front of the church. She had a story of patience she wanted to tell the world. This began her journey of preaching and trusting her intuition.

Adrienne moved to Atlanta, Georgia. Scary and exciting! She attended college at Clark Atlanta University and majored in religion and psychology. Her initial objective was to be a Christian Counselor(since age thirteen). She wanted to merge counseling and spirituality. While in college and graduate school she participated in interfaith communities and studied several eastern and traditional African religions. She found beauty in the way people see the world similarly through their religions. Adrienne has been able to help numerous clients who practice a number of different faith traditions as well as persons who do not affiliate with a particular faith tradition.

Adrienne was so excited to start seminary training. She attended the Interdenominational Theological Center. Where she fell in love with theology, which is the different ways people understand God. She is deeply focused on the way people understand their own divinity and how they see God. This is because she wants people to feel godly and at peace with themselves. She makes a conscious effort to show everyone that God is in them, with them, everywhere and in everything.

One afternoon Adrienne was rushing to an appointment (a symptom of ADHD). It was raining and a black luxury car cut her off on I-85N. She turned around on the freeway three times hitting the concrete wall all three times. The blessing was that nobody else was hurt. She climbed out of the passenger side of the car with just a concussion and a neck injury which began a series of migraines. The migraines are a rare form called hemiplegic migraines that operate like strokes. A migraine can cause slurred speech, paralysis on one side of the body, mental confusion, head pain and nausea.

Lessons learned:

  1. Worry less
  2. Write things down
  3. Plan ahead
  4. Meditate
  5. Be in the moment

I married the love of her life and soulmate Jason Lamont Fenner. We met through a mutual friend. The things we share in common are love, friendship, and deep support for each other. We laugh to the point of tears and tell each other our secrets. We’re each other’s safe place.

At 1030pm Adrienne and her Jason arrived at the hospital 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Adrienne was afraid she was going to be sent home because the labor pains were not that bad. But to her pleasant surprise, the nurse said she was five centimeters dilated and in active labor. She was so ready to be a mommy. She had read every article. Taken all of the classes. She was married to her soulmate. Labor and delivery were smooth. She assumed motherhood would be exactly the same way. When her daughter, Amara Joy Fenner, was born we all cried tears of joy.

Adrienne felt like her life was perfect. She had done everything right. By day three of her daughter’s life, she felt like was falling apart and she was crying hysterically from sleep deprivation.

She tried hard to do everything perfectly with little to no sleep. Her anxiety was in overdrive.

By six months she was diagnosed with postpartum depression. Her expectations of how motherhood “should be” and what reality actually looked like didn’t add up.

She was constantly frustrated by how she thought her home should look, her child should act, and how she should be, and couldn’t figure out how to fully enjoy the life she had.

She missed being fully present and at the moment at times doing things for herself. Often families struggle to adjust to new things because of how they feel things “should be.” Sometimes we need a little help appreciating some of the small things in our lives, how prioritizing ourselves, and acknowledging the reality of a situation.

Today Adrienne now enjoys helping families who are struggling with adjustments so they can find their balance; To adjust without feeling shame or guilt. Balance is allowed to look different for every family.

It was serendipity that she began working as a chaplain. The owner of the company lived directly across the street from her and needed a chaplain. Her daughter was almost seven months old when she started and she was ready for a change from being a stay-at-home mom. She loved her job, however, after a year of listening to everyone’s emotions at work and home, she was diagnosed with caregiver fatigue. She started having those wicked migraines again as she did in 2012. She was stressed, but it was literally her job to take care of everyone else so she HAD to push it down, or so she thought. Just months after being diagnosed with caregiver fatigue she discovered she couldn’t keep up with the stress of work, motherhood, and housework and had to stop working due to an intractable migraine(the migraine didn’t go away for nearly a year).

Things she learned with an intractable migraine:

  1. Take care of yourself first, regardless of the job at home or work F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)
  2. Listen to your body ALWAYS
  3. Appreciate the small things
  4. Who cares what people think
  5. Enjoy life
  6. Do not focus on hurt,
  7. No need to ask “Why me,” too overwhelming
  8. Trust your intuition
  9. God is Always present

Today she is on disability and loves helping other people learn natural healing tips and ways to navigate the medical system because of her own experiences. She enjoys helping people find peace by their following their own intuition and donating their greatest healing within

This was a year to remember for the world. The entire world got sick and everyone was in a different place. Adrienne was quite determined to get better. She had decided that regardless of how the world was struggling around her she was going to have her best year yet. So she stepped out on faith and started a life coaching business. She knew that her story was not unique and that there were others who could relate to being overwhelmed, burned out, and needing help with prioritizing their health and their emotions. She knew that she wanted to teach other people how to release anxiety, and stress, work burn out and have healthier relationships. She remembered years ago a saying her mother found for her because she had always been a very selfless person (F.L.Y. First Love Yourself). She knew if she wanted to be a better spouse, parent, child, and employee she had to learn to FLY.


Finally some answers! She discovered she had an autoimmune disease centered in her gut; Celiac disease. There are variant degrees to how severe this can be for an individual. However, this helped her make major adjustments to her diet to alleviate the pain.

Two years of working on my own and 15 years coaching, pastoring, and offering spiritual support professionally, she has helped countless clients. She has helped clients build stronger relationships and alleviate physical and emotional pain. She helps people learn how to prioritize themselves and take better care of themselves.

Today she has a holistic life and wellness business where she teaches people how to find natural solutions for physical and emotional pain as well as helps people build strong relationships.
She is constantly learning, reading, and growing not only for her own benefit but to ensure her clients are able to communicate better and find the root of their pain.
In an effort to help her clients she has gotten certified in hypnotherapy to help people learn to be in control of their minds and take control of their bodies. Hypnosis or Suggestion Therapy helps people to release old habits and manage chronic pain.

Most recently, she was certified as a Reiki master. It’s a holistic physical, emotional and spiritual energy healing that allows people to find balance in all areas of their lives.

She continues to learn and take classes to help people on their journey. She enjoys helping people process their emotions and their stories in a non-judgmental fashion where real growth and self-acceptance are able to happen. She embraces people with her words, love, prayers, and passion to help. She looks forward to seeing you as you grow to your fullest potential holistically. First Love Yourself!!! ❤️